blue and yellow

By differentview

the virgin mary wears adidas

today i didnt have my camera with me so when seeing this i grabbed my friends phone and took it. sorry for the bad quality.
before i talk about todays blip i'll just say that i hate british transport. on the train to school we were stuck between stations for over and hour which seems fine until you need the toilet and they are all out of order...

so this photo is meant to be of joesph, he had his own stable in chichester town centre with two donkeys and mary, who was wearing some rather nice trainers for someone who's just walked across jerusalem.

chichester was looking all christmasy with the big tree and a large market. hopefully i'll bring in my camera when i go in at the weekend as there were some really nice shots. my favourite was while i was waiting for my bus which was an hour late a man across the road was playing a harmonica and was wearing multi coloured clothes.

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