Life of Tiree

By tireedawson

Happy Birthday Milo!

Today is the lovely Milo's 4th birthday. He has been a super boy all day. We had a lazy morning of present opening, a visit to the soft play area, then out for birthday tea at the pub. The party is tomorrow, and Milo is very excited about it.

The photo isn't my best ever, but it's been a day of enjoying the kids, not pointing a camera at them! This was one of several hundred rounds of a game which involved flying round the soft play circuit, lining up at the top of the slides, Milo throwing his "I'm 4 Today" badge down the slide, then the two of them zooming after it in fits of giggles :)

We're also honoured to have the lovely Jasmine with us for the next day or two while her mummy does a particularly important job of popping out a little brother or sister *eek!* GOOD LUCK JO!

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