CVB Photos

By cvbphotos

Still Game

A night out for the chronologically challenged this evening.

The recent snow episode prompted Shane (aged 85 - pictured cuddling into Margaret-Mary) to regale us with a story of when he was a young lad and was out on a Saturday night in his best gear strutting his stuff up Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow.

He went to "the dancin'" and met a young lady. They had so many dances that she missed her last bus. "No problem" says Shane - we'll get a taxi. So they did and he dropped her home - in Bargeddie - about 10 miles away from where he lived! He had only tuppence left so he had to walk home - and it was snowing!

By the time he got back it was 6am - not long after he got in, his mother got up and said "You're up early, Shane". "Yes, mum - I thought I'd go to early mass".

A good night, with Alistair McDonald for the entertainment.

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