Jeannette's Journal

By jeannette1968

Grand opening

This week we have a grand openingsweek for our new shoppingmall. It's about a 5 minute walk from my home.
I remembered that there would be an appearence of Jaap, our X-Factor winner 2010.
So I grabbed my camera and walked to the Vestesingelplein.
Was quite an experience since I bumped my right toe yesterday and my nail is not what it's supposed to be and look like. ( I think we (my nail and I) will have to say farewell in the near future)
Wearing shoes is a bit of a crime. But I wanted my picture, so I got there in time to make this picture. This one isn't the best of quality but I like the arrogant look on his face.....

I did got better pictures, for example: This one

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