The Poss

By PossMan

They're back

It's two weeks ago since I first saw these shoes. Since then I've been along the same route every morning but no sign of them - obviously they were buried beneath the snow line. Today, after the thaw, they have reappeared just a few yards away. Someone has moved them from the footpath onto the wall by the side of the hotel. Still puzzled as they look quite good shoes. Various possibilities:-
1. The wearer suddenly remembered they had a pair of snow shows/welly boots in their handbag and decided to put them on instead.
2. Like the BVM the wearer was assumed bodily into heaven - but what happened to the rest of the clothes?
3. The wearer was snatched away by criminals and police are looking for a shoeless body.

Could be endless answers but I haven't yet been able to dream up a plausible or sensible one.

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