Family Dog

By Family_Dog


And wheeeeeeeeee there went Saturday! Not sure how it went so quickly when I didn't even leave the house, but there you go.

Got the Christmas tree up today this is the earliest I've ever put a tree up, normally I put it up as late as possible then tear it down around the 5th.

Isn't it amazing how beautiful it is when it first goes up? How you don't mind that the corner of the livingroom (space you can ill afford normally) has been taken over by a big, twinkly, hairy thing and you can no longer reach your stereo without using a wooden spoon? How you stare at it with wonder as you reminisce about Christmas days of yore?

Then comes Boxing Day and it looks a bit feeble and it's no longer sheltering shimmery presents - boxes of secrets and possibilities (that were for other people), and you really NEED to get into that corner because a Ferrero Rocher rolled into it and it's the last bit of chocolate in the house and the wooden spoon can't. quite. reach.

All you can think about is getting rid of that bloody tree.

Well, that's how it goes in this house anyway. But for now - oooh it's so pretty.

Ahem. So. In other news today - Bry felt the baby move for the first time today. Awww.

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