A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach

Bosville Terrace from Portree Pier

Today is one of those special days. Hardly any wind; clear blue skye; cold but crisp. I took a walk down to the pier taking Nik with me. I regret to say I used Nik rather a lot so the decision on what I should share with you became more difficult. I couldn't remember if I had shared a view of Bosville Terrace with you and since the reflections were rather good, I picked this one to upload.

Others I took included some fishermen sorting and packing their weeks catch; A fishing vessel returning to sea; A view of the town from the top of the folly; A Rabit enjoying some grass: Some photographs of the end of Portree Pier three of which I was able to merge together.

In the end it was this one that I chose thinking you might like it the best.

It has just gone 2-30 pm in the afternoon and I am getting much colder sitting here at my PC because the sun has just diappeared behind the hill. Oh, it will not be dark for another hour and a half but we have lost the benefit of the suns rays to warm us.

Once again the temperatures are dropping fast. We had a couple of days with warmth and most of the snow and ice melted away. The forecasters inform us that we are likely to see more snow by the end of the week. I wonder if this is a new trend and we are going to see longer cold winters much as the local folk knew as children. I am informed that they remember winters when the snow was knee deep along the terrace here.

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