Hop Barn

By hopbarn

Something very interesting is going on out there

Another busy day - what else is new! Drove down to Oxford to measure up Mum's new flat for her furniture. I took very thorough measurements as my son intends to use some software for the planning of the move.... I also took video and lots of pictures for my Mum and the rest of the family to study. I just hope Mum's sight improves a lot more so she can actually see them properly.
Then I drove on to London as my daugther was supposed to be performing in a scene from Handel's Arianna in Creta at St Hinde's Church, the role of Teseo (a trouser role). Unfortunately she awoke that very morning with no voice - she hadn't felt well the day before so we were warned. So disappointing, but that's life! She had also planned to record a CD for the family on Saturday but that was also cancelled. Never mind, we still had a lovely time visiting her and her partner in their new home. They have been in there for less than a week so I was surprised how 'organized' it was, considering! The cats, Frankie and Freddie, had been kept in all week and were desperate to get outside. Here they are, watching some other cats in the garden scrapping, dying to join in I've no doubt. There will be vets bills once they are allowed out!

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