Shadows & Sunlight

By psychotickatzen

Time to Remember

Darkness washes over me,
clenching so tight I cannot breathe.
Erase all of my memories.
I want nothing to remember.

Family un-supportive, friends far away. Job hunt still sucks, and every time I find a little bit of hope it's cut out from under me. Not much else is left to keep me going, and it's getting harder and harder to take.

Edit: I thought I'd add in a note to this entry about the items in the picture.
Each of the shells are from my uncle and grandfathers funerals.
I put all of these things together as a reminder of things that have happened in my life that I have moved on or past. It's more of a self significant piece, but I really appreciate all the comments and support it has received so far :) Thank you all! *HUG*

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