one night at a time

I always faintly worry when using Tupperware which pre-dates the period in which the electro-magnetic micro-wave oven became a common kitchen appliance. Not anticipating potential use as a vessel in which remaindered foodstuffs might be re-heated, perhaps the manufacturers used plasticisers which more readily leach into the contents during heating than modern microwave-safe compounds. I'm also concerned that the orange hue adopted by this particular container from storing the tomatoey stuff I made on Saturday might be permanent and might be commented upon when I return it to its rightful owner who brought some shortbread up here in it the last time she visited.

Perhaps due to a combination of increased mental tiredness (from being cooed at by lots of new people at the baby-enjesusification after-party yesterday) and reduced relative physical tiredness (from being strapped into a car seat for four hours in total and not getting much time to crawl around or bounce in the bouncer) and general routine-disruption the wingpiglet returned to his night-time wailing routine yesterday after briefly flirting with almost-uninterrupted sleep, never going quite as far as to make himself be sick but waking up every couple of hours for a cry before waking up sometime before six and burbling away to himself quite loudly in a non-crying but non-ignorable way. At least, I very much hope it was due to the various disruptions; he's been swimming this morning, has had a few sessions of bimbling around the floor and has eaten a reasonably normal amount throughout the afternoon after eventually rejecting the latter half of the entire banana he ingested in the morning so should be reasonably ready to sleep properly.

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