a town called E.

By Eej

What happens ...

... if you step on the cracks in the pavement? Or, in this case, the lines the fence makes in the sun? Are those shadows unsafe? Oooooooh ... *scared face*
I guess I'll find out :)

I may have had a bit of a laugh yesterday with the Arcticness but walking to work today in 14F/-10C was not all that funny. Well, it kinda was. The snow was crispy, the sun was out, and there was so much wind (wind chill temp around 0F/-18C) that in spots the snow was forming little tornadoes. Or something. Fascinating stuff. So much so that it took me 25 minutes to get to work, in stead of the usual 5 to 10.

It didn't warm up much so walking home was, again, an adventure. I also had to pick up something for the Beloved that had me walk HOURS through the snow. Miles and miles! Barefoot and everything!*

The hours in between? Weeeeeeeeeell, let's say that the 8 days that separate me from my Christmas vacation have the potential to be rather horrifying.
Maybe I should have been more careful which lines I stepped on ;)

*this is a blatant lie and an obvious ploy to make him give me a footrub tonight. Don't tell him.

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