
By Mimthing

The end

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.

This is the last photo taken with my iphone 3gs, for today I am setting up my 4.

Temperature somewhat warmer today, so I went to the field and kicked the chickens out of the shed so that I could get them mucked out and re-bedded.
They weren't keen.
They tend to stand at the door and look in horror at the white stuff.
The thaw seems to be happening and some of the green stuff is begining to show thru again.

Has the overload of snow confused any-one else?
I keep thinking we are in January already and wondering where Xmas went.
If we are in January...can some-one please come and remove any remaining bottles of red wine from my house, clearly I've had too much if Xmas has been and gone.

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