Tonya's Photo Journal

By cameracrazy

Tree Hunting

Today we woke up and headed over to Drew and Holly's house (with Krispy Kreme in hand----thanks Cassie). A group of us were traveling out of town together to cut down our Christmas Trees. We followed Kristin and Sean and the rest of the group in a caravan. They've gone for years to the same place, but this was our first time going. It was a bit of a walk through the muddy clay to find our tree. We were surprised to find snow up there. As soon as we were on the path to find a tree, the boys attention focused instead on the icy snow. Tree hunting dropped down to number 2 on their list and snow play moved up to number 1. Just about when we got as far from the bathrooms as we could in the forest....Liam needed to use the bathroom of course! A man who worked there gave us a ride back to the restrooms and while we were gone Gary and Loren ended up finding our tree! I trusted their choice because I AM NOT THE TREE-PICKY ONE OF THE COUPLE. hee hee. I managed to somehow find them again after playing a makeshift version of 'Marco Polo'. Then each of the boys helped saw the tree until it was completely cut. They really liked that part of it. Scout joined us on the trip and at 8 months old, it was puppy's first trip to the snow. He didn't know what to think of it...but patiently layed down while the tree was being cut.

After everyone in our group had found their trees, we all met up at the picnic tables and had lunch. Since it was the day after Thanksgiving, most of us had leftover turkey on sandwiches with cranberry sauce on top. Yum! We all then said our goodbyes and parted for the trip home. It was a fun day!

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