
By schlimm

What's left behind (2)

A flattened shoe.

Feel a bit flattened myself, lots of details to be looked at at work and I'm never satisfied with the result, it just has to be just-so! But I forget sometimes that I'm still relatively new to what I'm doing and therefore need to give myself more time.

Had a parent's consultation at the nursery which for children before schoolage seems pretty pointless to me. I mean they just learn what they want to learn and when they are ready for it. Was I supposed to tell them "I'd like little XY to improve on his/her numeracy and please make sure they can tie their laces and oh, it would be great if you could teach them to count to 100 pretty quickly please, little YX next door can count to 70 so I would really like to up that to 100..." Absolutely ridiculous if you ask me, I'm of the opinion that kids pick up all that is necessary for them on the way, they do it by play and imitation and they do it in their own time regardless of any curriculum for excellence.

It was nice to see their folders though and look at some of their artwork. A in particular draws the funniest faces, very often includes the whole family and invents stories that most of the time involve a beach and turtles. I wonder where she got that from?

I'm tired, very tired and should still glue some pictures onto nice paper for the calendars for the grandparents but I hope that it won't be too late if I do that tomorrow, just can't be bothered now. A bit like that shoe.

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