On My Doorstep

By bwhere

Uncle Dennis (King)

My father's brother went to the States in the early 1920s and made a name for himself in films, on stage and increasingly on the radio and television.

There was a great treat for his family, my father included, when he came to the UK to appear in The Three Musketeers at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. With a brother, my father travelled down to see him and meet him after the show. I still have my father's theatre programme from that event.

This recording, which I inherited from my sister, comes from that show.

Why am I reminded of this now? I came across a recently posted video on YouTube that mentions my Uncle, Dennis King. Towards the end of his life he was the President of the Players who have their meeting place in New York. He had his portrait painted to adorn the walls and the artist concerned has reminisced about Dennis here. I don't expect you to watch it all but you could just get a flavour of what transpired.

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