The Lizard Meanders

By lizardmeanders

Yay, Snow Day! = Totoro Beanie Day

More white stuff blew in today, so all public schools and most area colleges and universities were declared closed-- all except our university, since final exams are still in progress-- which meant hubby had to (grudgingly) get ready to go to work at 8 as usual, while the girls that make up the rest of our household lingered in PJs.

I'm finally done checking papers and posting grades, so I didn't have to go in-- though I got a an e-mail from my program assistant about certain issues we must put to bed before we declare the holidays truly upon us. I guess that means I'm to pop my head in my office tomorrow.

Driving to and from doctor appointments and the grocery store with daughter #3 mid-morning till a little after noon was slow-going because folks around here aren't really equipped to deal with the snow. Therefore, though it may be only 3 inches on the ground, things come to a grinding halt and become pretty much the equivalent of a national emergency.

Home now, but youngest daughter (#4) is still over at BFF's home next door, where we dropped her off this morning. They are generally rejoicing over their early snow day... and she put on her Totoro Beanie hat for the occasion.


Totoro Beanie hat-wearer reading before breakfast

A few more scenes from our snow day today

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