Blip Challenge

By blipchal

The adoration of the scroll

With apologies to Leonardo, today's blip is sort of special.

Today was results day at the Open University. Many students were eagerly refreshing the results pages, and have in fact been doing so for days. Officially the results day was Friday 17th, but if things go well they often release them before that date, I know one friend who checked at 5:30am!

I had three courses I was awaiting results from. I expected the worst. but actually it turned out I'd squeaked in - just. I needed one of the three results to get a distinction class, and shocked as I was, one of the courses made it by the narrowest of margins.

This in turn means I've not only finished my Life Sciences B.Sc, but managed to get a first class honours - subject to approval by the exam board ratification yada yada yada, So - 5 years of work, and I've finally completed it.

I thought I'd have to do another course to make up for the poor exam I took, but no - the markers apparently took pity on my efforts. I'm already signed up for two more courses to fill in some gaps and to act as insurance for what I was sure I wouldn't have got this morning.

So here we have some, um, handy figures, gazing in wonderment at what they can't quite believe is true. A sentiment I find myself sharing.

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