
By mollyblobs

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Thanks to everyone who commented on yesterday's picture - it was really lovely to have so much positive feedback, and to see it on the Spotlight page.

As usual, a good day has been followed by a day devoid of interesting photo-opportunities. The weather in Peterborough this morning was dire - in fact when I got up I thought it wasn't going to bother to get light at all. And then I had to finish a report, so that filled most of the morning.

I tried taking some pictures of the birds and squirrels in the garden at lunchtime, but there really wasn't enough light. However,it was exciting to see a wren in the garden - after a long absence - I just hope it stays out of the cat's way.

This afternoon was spent at a Christmas celebration with a number of other women who live locally. This tradition was started many, many years ago when we all had young children, and shows no sign of giving up yet. It's nice to catch up with everyone's news. Despite all living in the same street we don't often do more than wave in passing.

This evening was spent preparing for another Christmas party tomorrow, fitting in a bit more Christmas shopping and watching a French film, which was supposed to be a thriller, but seemed to be more of a horror, with lots of vertiginous scenes, sharp implements, blood and a mad-man to boot. I spent a lot of time hiding behind my hands.

Somehow I found it was after 10pm and I still had no idea of what to blip. I'd taken a few pictures of Daisy washing herself earlier in the evening, and was just reviewing them, when she came and sat behind the computer in the warmth of the desk lamp. So here you are: two views of Daisy for the price of one!

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