
By rainie


Yes, its been a damp day, a nice steady drizzel, much needed. This meant no outdoor activities today. Indoor chores instead & Christmas day prep -

Christmas tree up & decorated - tick
Christmas cards done - tick
Parcels wrapped and posted - tick
Grocery shopping done - tick
Ham & Hogget Roast bought - tick
White linen table cloth ironed - tick
Table decorations found & dusted off - tick

....and blip done.

Tonight, we are off out to The Shearers Quarters for Dougs work doo. I grew up at Seadown, a rural area just north of Timaru. The farm where this is backs onto our farm that I spent all my childhood, so its kinda like going home, and is run by my old school friends daughter. It has a fantastic gift shop in the converted woolshed and grain silo, and more recently they have built on a restaurant. Outdoors are mini golf, play area and farm animals......a place for townies to come to the country.

Enjoy your weekend


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