
By Chook

Not the same age

On call.
Admissions and consults galore.
Did get a break for KK this afternoon.
Double win.
Got an unexpectedly cool gift.
And, my present to J* - a swimming cap with a picture of a brain on it- was deemed present of the year. Nice.
Finally home.
J** has procured a giant crab from who knows where.
Hopefully an evening of Dexter and crab***, and not having to go back in to work.

Glasses still excellent.
Have realised though that don't need to wear them all the time.
Actually makes me feel a bit woozy wearing them for reading and other close-up things...
They're still awesome though...
Today's pic is an iPhone SP double exposed with a photo of the footpath for texture.
Thanks for all the comments on yesterday's pic.

*Not my J.
**My J.
***And wine for J, lucky bugger, but not for me. Wine possibly interfering with optimal crab cooking though....

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