The Chaos Bros

By vik


After yet another frustrating morning of non delivery of much needed items (Thank you Royal Mail), Bros 3&4 and I went to see Mrs Bri and Baby B for a cuppa. The babies got on really well with Bro4 showing Baby B a few ways of getting into mischief that she hadn't discovered yet. Needless to say the tissue box is now higher on the bookshelf and numerous tv aerials and scart leads no longer live in the bottom drawer of the bookcase.

Bri has kindly loaned me his 50mm lens to practice with while I decide which new lens to get. Mrs Bri gave Bro3 a huge biscuit to take home with the deal being he had to stay really still while I fiddled about with the manual focus. I didn't get too many chances though, the biscuit was far too tempting. I don't think it worked out too bad considering but either I need to get lots more biscuits, superglue the Bros to the floor to get them to stay still or get the 35mm which I believe after helpful advice from the forums has a motor in the lens....

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