
By itcouldbelove

bored & lonely

I just felt like getting my camera out. I'm bored and kind of lonely. See, when I was in high school, I only had two good friends -- two friends I hung out with outside of school. They're my best friends still, even though I'm now a senior in college. But we're all seniors in college and one of them is still in school and the other one stayed at school for winter break. And I am home. So essentially, I have no friends. My brother is still at school, as well, so I'm stuck here at home with my parents.

The only friends I have to hang out with are my cousin Daniel and his girlfriend Hannah (and Hannah's family.) So when they can't hang out, I'm pretty much at a loss. Like tonight. Boredom has set in. I've cleaned my room, cleaned up my harddrive, finished a book, and took this self-portrait. And once again, I'm bored. Luckily it's almost midnight and my parents will go to bed soon. This means I can use the DVD player and watch something to take the edge off the boredom.

ANYWAY! This photo is barely edited, compared to my usual. Especially compared to yesterday's self-portrait. All I did here was crop and add a little vignetting. I tried different colors out, but ended up liking the original the best. What do you think?

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