The Visitors

Today these wee guys came into temporary accomodation with the Justsitting family. This is them at my desk at work. This is adventure these guys have had so far.

A busy day was had by us all.

I popped back to the school mid-morning for the nativity at the nursery, this one was more Jesus-lite. It was very sweet. All the kids did very well.

I then dashed back to town for lunch in Stockbridge with my team. most were staying out but I wandered back to the office for a very quiet afternoon.

In the evening we all went out with my mum and dad to the Churchhill Theatre to the Panto. It is the local am-dram group. It was great, the dame was brilliant, and the rest were very good. I haven't been to the panto for years and this had all the required elements, we all loved it big time.

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