Mediterranean Wanderer

By monkeyhanger

With any luck!

Have you ever heard it said that "if you want to know what she will turn out like, just look at her mother"?

Take a long hard look...I am happy to report that I have nothing to worry about here.

MFI (stands for Mad For It Maggie) is trully unstoppable and a fantastic bird. She climbs munro's, goes to see a wide range of live bands in Edinburgh, will dance with little or no encouragement and has more energy than any teenager I have ever met.

I will be more than happy if mine turns out half as good. I just wish I had as much energy and life in me, but I am trying!

Just look at those two cheeky faces. Life is good if you take the right approach to it. We met a Japanese lady today, while we did the tourist thing around a place called Elche (Elx). She was looking for the same place we were and before we knew it, the two mad birds in this photo had press ganged her into our merry band and we ended up spending the day with Mariko. She turned out to be lovely too and really enjoyed herself.

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