Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Father Christmas

This morning we went to visit Father Christmas and his reindeer, who happened to be at the local garden centre. A very excited Master Pink and a not really sure Miss Pink met the man in red in his grotto, stopping first to stroke and feed his reindeer. Rudolph was off duty today, these reindeer were part of his public appearances team. Master Pink very politely requested roller skates for Christmas, and told Father Christmas that Miss Pink would like a Dolly. So we shall see what happens on Christmas morning.

We followed up the trip to the Grotto with a trip to the new shoes shop. Both the mini Pink's now have nice new shoes, although I was slightly disappointed with the choice for Miss Pink. She has high insteps apparently and this limited her choice. But we found some pink shoes with glitter on, so that;s the important thing.

And then it snowed. Lots.

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