
By tookie

Hooligans are Happy the "kids" are home

Lots of pats and cuddles all around for the doggies and kitty cat from goose and gander. Sadie got a wonderful rub down from gander who then fell asleep while cuddling with Cowboy---you must go to CB and do it on his terms! Pooters found a warm spot on the buns of goosie as well as some good cuddles in her arms. After gander abandoned Sadie for Cowboy time, She nestled up next to Big R who slept through the whole bonding thing! Kids now off to a young codgers are tubing it and just chilling.

Happy news at long last from our dysfunctional U. S . Senate---they finally rescinded the Don't ask, Don't tell legislation now allowing Gays to be in the Military openly. My mom, a staunch conservative Republican and who passed away in 2001, once walked past the tube when this issue was being discussed and muttered "that's so stupid...of course gays should be allowed in the military". She was a fair minded mum and also a closet feminist herself who spoke out for the rights of others without shame. Anyhow...a day to celebrate what never should have been:)

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