Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills

The Horror...

Well ride me sideways-

I have succumbed, surrendered, I suppose...

Following suggestions from others, I have been forced to enter the world of...

(cue D.T.-similar shiver and wave of fucked up nausea)...

Pet Photography.

Take my word, only the direst of circumstances could (and have) driven me to this new personal low.

And Im only at the advertising flyer stage, which, if successful, will draw me deeper into the dark and stinking morass of pedigreed genetic freaks, and their pets.

Funny thing is, I seem to be good at it.

This pooch must have smelled my pussy pang, because he went crazy for a while, and I got some good shots in.

You know the adage, "Never work with children or animals"?

I'm banned from the former, and loathe the latter.

counting down how long suspension will take this time.....

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