W8man on the Web

By w8man

Toy appeal in the Toy shop....

Each Christmas we do one of those "Christmas toy appeals" for the north easts children who aren't as fortunate, as they say. This year we are putting them to VSA, and every year some give us money instead of toys.

Anyway, today I turned £365 cash into £500 plus worth of toys thanks to a newsagents/toy shop in Inverurie.

Took 2 and a half hours, got soaking in the melting snow, meant I got home at 7pm - but was well worth it.

My favourites were the board games, took me back to my childhood. The days before xbox nintendo and the play station.

This picture was taken as I was leaving, two bags and a box all full of toys also out of shot...

Thanks to the girls who helped earlier, here they are.

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