
By middleman


As the day progressed the cold that kicked in last night just got heavier by the hour. Worn out.

Busy day with the girls, not helped by school starting an hour later than usual because of heating problems, meaning that everything else that needed doing seemed to get concertined together with very little time for much of anything apart from the essential.

Package from one of the UK's biggest retailers (clue: large river in South America) finally arrived weeks after dispatch. I eagerly tore the cardboard open, with just enough time to import the Shackleton Fabric Mix CD contained therein into itunes and get it onto the ipod for some new music on the move. But what's this ? A Monty Python DVD - delivered to the wrong address ? Royal Mail, you are having a laugh...not even close on this one. Grrr.

So, no new music to keep me going today, made do with a recently compiled new playlist - a bit of this, a bit of that, including a track from Bright Eyes that just makes me want to listen to the whole of the album it's from right this very minute.

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