nogbad's blips

By nogbad

Royal Star Arcade

Within the Royal Star arcade is a balcony from which Disraeli thanked the people of Maidstone for electing him as their member of parliament in 1837. Now it's an upmarket shopping arcade with a really smart bandstand type thing on the stairs to the first floor. Today there was a superb tenor singing to raise money for a local hospice and lots of helpers dressed as elves. They would probably have made a better shot but I'd just put the camera away and we were pushed for time. Through the Royal Star and out to Salamander for incense and then down the High Street, past the cannon, to Lockmeadow to collect the car and head out for some kleinigkeiten that Cal suggested we might need. Back here then for food and Facebook and we hung a couple of decorations including putting up my Christmas tree. A couple of days in the office now and then a couple of weeks of eating and drinking and some work stuff. Cal has said he'll come over for a few days next week as long as he can bring his XBox and set it up downstairs (bigger screen than the one he's usually sent to in my room). And Jemma is home on Friday so I'm sure she'll help with the wine drinking.

Not the most exciting image in the world but you can see I've been busy - I've also tinkered with it slightly to make it a little more interesting. Play loud ("and no synths" as it famously said on the early albums of a particularly good band in the late 1970s)

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