Maumbury Rings

sledders (and Ice Canoers) in Dorchester, where we met my mum, who was taking too long at the Dorchester market, so we popped over the road so the Nut could teeter along shouting 'Snow! NO!SNO!!!' till he was ready for his nap. Then I got some coffee (after realising why I was getting homicidal urges) and then reunited with my mother who told me she hadn't got my present yet. i told her the greatest gift she could present me with was the one of not being in Dorchester this close to Christmas (she got me one anyway).

Not much time for photos today, which is a shame as the countryside was staggeringly beautiful. I should have got Jim to pull over on the way down. My mum likes right out sticks and doesn't have a car at the moment, so has been in a pickle with the snow and lack of busses or deliveries. So we drove her to tescos. And then I abandoned her. no way I was going into that supermarket.

Then we stopped off at my sisters for dinner. I now have a magnificent 3 gifts under the tree, and Finn has inherited his cousins duplo collection, which came in a bin bag I could barely lift so he's going to shit brick when he sees that. Duplo bricks. Like I need any more.

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