Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Rain in Rio

Bb and I were having some separate time to do a little Christmas shopping for each other early evening tonight when the heavens opened. We'd agreed where to meet for dinner and so I bought a brolly on the street for 10 reias, about 3 euros, to help me get there less drenched. A good buy I thought. Bb in the meantime had sheltered in a doorway, like most of the Brasilians, and had asked the doorman to help him out. Here he is turning up at the restaurant! Plans for tomorrow are a bit up in the air now (excuse the pun!), as we're meant to be flying to Sao Paulo and then driven 2 hrs up the coast to Juquehy, a little beach place on the Litoral Norte, but there's a strike at the airports and chaos today is meant to be worse tomorrow. We'd just organised for the driver from the Sao Paulo airport too! We now have a plan B, which is to be driven from here - about a 7/8 hr drive - if the flight's cancelled tomorrow. And we could stay another night here if really necessary, but this has a knock on affect on the other hotel bookings of course. Oh well. An early rise and to the airport first to see if it's worth waiting. Then plan B.

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