
By heraldino

Spiritum V

Good news: - Calling it what it is

She has been one of my least favorite people for a long time. Even when she establishes schools for girls on a different continent it's always done with much fanfare, self promotion; look at me, look how wonderful and generous I am. Thank you, Bill Maher, for saying publicly what I've said for years, often enduring the scorn of friends who think the sun shines out of her backside. Oprah remains the queen of materialism and still just doesn't get that it's not cool to flaunt your money. Perhaps that's what growing up in abject poverty does to you or perhaps she just can't get enough love so she has to buy it.

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Bad and depressing news: - Can you maybe settle down?

While the forces of nations and their strained relationships are hard to simplify and understand, I fail to grasp why this has to be escalated right now. Could they perhaps consider the time of year, the spirit of Christmas, the peace on earth? I guess not. Thanks a lot Korea, North and South for adding to the dark clouds of war swirling overhead.

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.

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