Baggie Trousers

By SkaBaggie

In Retrospect: Laughing

Tom and Ivory's flat in Carlisle on a warm summer evening; after arriving safely on Thursday night and cooking a meal for myself, Ivory and Laura (who are a little under the influence, and not exactly capable of great culinary endeavours), Friday is a day of relaxation. Alastair arrives in the afternoon, we obtain some beer, and set about the laborious task of getting absolutely smashed.

It's my idea to play the saucepan game, a charades-like favourite I played a lot with my friends and housemates back in my early twenties. The drunker you are, the funnier it tends to be, and as I've noted at other points in my journal, hilarity often ensues when Alastair quaffs the ales. I can't remember exactly what he's trying to convey at this point in time, but the half-arsed guesses by the rest of us prompt a brief fit of laughter that looks almost painful!

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