You looking at me?

The birdies have been feasting on the various treats that Corin has left out for them. Tomorrow they get fatballs too. That sounds kinda wrong.

Early blip for me. Much to do. Waiting for purple hair dye to soak in ...we'll see how that turns out.

Then there's potatoes to peel, carrots to scrub, stuffing to make. Pastry needs making for Christmas jam tarts (James and I don't like mince pies particularly). Santa is having a jam tart and a glass of milk tonight, after James telling me that santa CAN'T have whiskey because it would make him into a "borderline drunk" and really he shouldn't have more than one jam tart because it would make him, worse still, a "fat borderline drunk". I'm not sure where he gets this from at all.

So, in the interests of trying to get organised, I am off. By 9pm I intend to be sat on the couch with a medicinal whiskey, snuggled up with my lovely husband and wonderful son, watching something suitably cheesy on the telly. 2 years ago today - Corin proposed - so despite all of my complaining about lack of Christmas spirit these last few days, I am now of the right frame of mind, because Christmas Eve is special!!!

Have a lovely Christmas Eve and may Santa bring you all that you wish for.


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