Granny's (Mrs OC) 60th Birthday Party

We all went to Aunty Margaret and Uncle Billy's today for a little party to celebrate Granny's 60th birthday. We were supposed to be going for lunch in the Dumbuck Hotel in Dumbarton but the snow made the roof cave and everything got cancelled! Not to worry Aunty Margaret is always a great hostess so there is where we went!

This is Big Papa (my Papa and Superhero's Dad) with his 6 great-grand children and I must say is looking rather chuffed with himself in this shot. The reason I have not blipped Granny with her 6 grandchildren is because Superhero is going to do that, aren't you Dad??

It's going to be a little frantic in my house tonight and tomorrow so may not see any of your shots for a few days so have a lovely Christmas everyone and will catch up with you all soon!


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