Snowy New Forest

We went for a walk there, it was nice and snowy and that pleased the Nut. And the skies were awesome and not at all grey

Then I went to collect a mystery parcel... it was those coolcat eyechips that failed to arrive 3 months ago.

Then Ed came round with a present for Mr nut. And one for me. My Present count is now 4, one AWOL doll and a christmas mini rose bush.

Then I made pies while a neighbour came around with a bunch of red cards from days ago because the stupid postman tried to deliver OUR parcels to her while she was out

There was 40 mins to post office closing time so Jim rushed down to get them. Two massive parcels full of presents for Mr Nut! Like he needs more! But they had forgotten to give Jim my parcel :( But I'm fairly sure it's just moleskines or postal tubes because I have the tracking number for my AWOL Doll and she's not in the country.

Then I let Mr Nut open one of his many thousand presents Because he'll be opening them all day tomorrow otherwise. It was a drum (well, an entire bath time instrument set) and he was very pleased with it. He's taken his stocking off to bed now. So he can claim a few more presents.

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