
By archangel


Early this week I had a great idea for my 300th blip.

I would buy lots of seeds of plants with different coloured flowers and plant them in the shape of a 300, with one plant type for 300, and a background with another plant type, etc.

I would then get my friend to will the plants to grow and all flower simultaneously so making a wonderfully pretty 300 to photograph.

I then realised I was asleep and actually in a 'Heroes' like dream world where certain people had special powers.

So that was that idea ruled out.

I then remembered that somebody on blip had done something similar for their 50th blip using photoshop. Before I got too excited, I realised I was still dreaming - this time I was in a world where I could actually use this software.

When I eventually awoke, the best I could come up with was this - sorry.

As it is my 300th - and the last day at work before Xmas - I have decided to do a bit of a review.

I have noticed that I tend to take photos of the same subject matter. I have catergorised the top ten of these (in terms of regular subject appearance) and have highlighted one of my favourite photos for each category:

Starting with my most popular subject:

1. Fay
2. Random Buildings
3. Pee-Pee
4. Plants/Trees
5. Canals/Rivers
6. The Lowry
7. Art
8. Birds
9. The Heavens
10. Bridges

And of course, I would like to add that blipfoto is wonderful, blah, blah, blah, everybody, blah, blah, is wonderful, blah really great, blah, blah, site, etc..

Have a happy weekend :)

ps - thanks Jen for taking this photo

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