Blips and blops

By Mags

Happy Christmas

The day started with Goretex and Eubers coming over for homemade (by Mr Mags) pancakes and bacon. We then had 18 arrive for lunch - 4 countries represented - Kenya, Tanzania, France and Scotland. We had a great time. We even spoke to JK via Skype!! No winter vomiting bug this year for JK!
I had a slightly nerve wracking experience of slithering across a road in the ice. I narrowly missed hitting a parked car, I clipped a lamppost and then came to rest on the pavement sitting perpendicular to the road, narrowly missing slamming into a building. I was OK but the wing of the car which is made of plastic stuff has a crack and a bit broke off when I hit the lamppost. However, now that I've had time to think about it I thank the Lord that there were no pedestrians around or that a car wasn't coming along the street and that the car has only a small amount of damage!! I have never experienced that feeling of turning the steering wheel and nothing happening apart from skating all over the road and all the time the car is going faster due to the hill I was coming down!!

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