A girl on a mission!

By missmission

Ring of Fire

...only using that song title cos its what they were playing on guitar hero when the photo was taken!!!

We've been to the in-laws for the day today! It's been very tiring but good. We were going to go anyway but I am very glad that we did now because some idiot decided to go drilling up one of the streets near us at 2am and subsequently most of our area has been without gas, water and electricity for most of the day. We lost electric for a couple of hours but the water was still off when we went out at 1pm!!!

Lottie has had a great day today!!! She's been spoilt rotten, got yet more presents....and has been given nothing but chocolate by her grandparents.... needless to say she's been very hyper all day!!!

This photo is hubby and his big brother Mike!

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