My Dad

is ace!
He has the coolest italian shoes.
He wears a waistcoat.
He is funny, and wise, and mischievous.
He has a glint in his eye which makes me smile.
He tells us stories, reminds us of fun times growing up.
He is the best Dad in the world.
Love you AP.

Fab day with family.
Much skateboarding on the XBox.
Hundreds of photos - but it is late - so they are for tomorrow.

Come home, tidied up. James has written me the most adorable note to say thank you for looking after him and Corin so well. I'm in my new adult all in one pyjamas that my Aunty Rose got for me - think baby grow but for a size 12 adult female. Snuggles on the sofa with my lovely boy.

Life is sweet indeed.

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