Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

mmmmmm mocha....

ok, so you may have noticed that the title has nothing to do with the subject matter. i was going to go with a shot of the cream on top of my mocha today but when i got home i went upstairs and saw the clouds as the sun was setting....well i just had to change the blip. how could i not put that sunset up?

so actually ventured out of the house today. feeling better but still have that drained feeling that comes from having the cold/flu/whatever it has been.
so glad that i had my stuff reserved and that anything else i needed to buy had already been planned out. it really was a precision hit. i don't think i could have coped if i had to go out into that melee with no idea of what i was getting. actually i think i spent more time standing in queues in the four shops i had to visit.
still thats christmas wrapped up for another year, well the shopping part of it anyway.
have a good weekend folks and try not to get too stressed during this season of goodwill. ( hah, obviously didn't bump into the people i was surrounded by today)

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