Compost Mentis

By megatonlove

Across the miles

This afternoon we spoke with my brother and his family in Perth, Australia. Our part of Belgium still lies buried in snow although it was warmer today at minus 1 Celsius. It was a hot summer day on their end with 35 Celsius. We miss them very much.

It's not the clearest of pictures, but it shows all 7 of us (not counting myself behind the lens) speaking to my brother, his wife and their four children. Fourteen people catching up and sharing laughs across the miles. Thank you, Skype.

Now everyone has left to go bowling for a few hours and I am alone at home enjoying some quiet time getting a raclette dinner ready. As it involves a lot of cheese, the dog is supervising me. Naturally.


I've posted some backblips if anyone cares to look. Sorry for my lack of comments lately, but I have been very busy. I hope your Christmases - if you celebrate the holiday - have been happy.

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