Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Cloud Image

I'm getting my photo loaded early today. My husband is gone right now so I have a little time to spend on the computer. Sometimes he feels like he is competing with my blip time. He is pretty supportive most of the time, but I am working on being more balanced.

I missed a lot of opportunities today for some possible cloud shots, but I was too busy with other things. I finally had a little time to go look for a shot, and while I was down by the water, pddesigns came by. It was nice to see her again. Of course, she took some shots of me taking shots, which I know was of my worst best side. I just hope it didn't break her camera.

This shot was about the best I could get tonight. The reflections of the clouds in the water were kind of nice; although the shot is pretty dark. I seem to take quite a few dark shots, but it seems like the color stands out better some times. I still have so much to learn. I am still hoping to take some photography classes--in my spare time.

I hope you all have a wonderful night.

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