Red-Headed Waxeye

Doesn't she look natty with her ginger top? I did a double take when I first saw her, but soon realised that it was pollen from nectar laden flowers.

When the warm weather came the flocks of waxeyes that wintered in my garden went off somewhere else. Just one pair remained to build their nest and raise a family. I like to think it was the lovebirds, but there's no way of telling.

They have been very secretive for weeks, but suddenly their chicks have fledged and there's a lot of excited cheeping and ruffling of leaves. I have only actually seen one- it was small and slim and not as colourful as the adults. Best seen large

*Happy New Year, Everyone!*

Journal name change

With the new year I have decided to drop the "Cottage" from my journal name. It seemed to me to be a catchy name when I joined up. I liked the alliteration. But I soon found that just about every town in New Zealand has a Cabbagetree Cottage Cafe, or gift shop, or bed and breakfast, or bordello.

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