A quiet one

It'll be a quiet one for us this year - the wee man is tucked up in bed, and the missus and I are on the sofa, in front of the TV. A few drams of this stuff for me, and a bottle of Shloer for mrs monochrome (she is pregnant after all), some white chocolate Toblerone and maybe even some cheese and crackers. Who knows - we may even stay up to the bells!

Aidan has been brilliant today - he's definitely walking now, in that he's choosing to walk unaided places where he would normally have shuffled or walked whilst using the wall etc. He's been walking all around the house today, and is managing to get himself up on his feet without holding on to anything. The other advantages to him walking more is that it tires him out and builds up his appetite - he ate an entire baked potato with cheese and tuna for his dinner, followed by a satsuma and yogurt for pudding! Looks like we'll be off to a good (if not tiring) start with Aidan in 2011!

Hope everyone has a happy new year, and a good 2011!

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