
By flying

New Years Day 2011

It took a while for the cloud to break but when it did this is what we got. Its a lovely warm summers day, 18C with a cooling breeze, clear sky, wonderful for the first day of 2011.

I wonder what this year will bring, lots more photography for me I hope and less earthquakes would be nice. I anticipate a more settled year, perhaps a year in limbo as in 2012 our youngest daughter, Daughter E will leave home. A year of continuing the journey for myself after being a stay at home Mum for many years. I see a big revamp of our garden starting in Autumn and continuing through the seasons. It would be nice if hubby finished 'the project' hes been working on in the shed for many years, then we can take to the air. Aerial photography could be fun but probably a dream for this coming year.

Whatever you have planned for this coming year we wish you the best.
Happy New Year!!

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