
By dieseldaisy

Merry Christmas

We got the idea of a fire on the beach from a local family of Jehovah's Witnesses who we found one Christmas day on the beach busily avoiding celebrating Christmas with a peedie bonfire and we shared a nice time tending the flames - scrupulously avoiding mentioning Chrsitmas of course. It seemed a grand way to finish off a day of over indulgence so we went down to the beach today to start a fire and stand round it watching the sun go down.

Of course we aren't as close to God so it took us ages to get it going (J thought seaweed was good kindling) and he cheated with one pocket full of fire lighters and the other with a tin of Carlsberg in it (that was for him, not the fire). Ray Mears we ain't. Then the 12 year old stomped off saying it was boring and she was cold and then the boys poked it so much that it went out and J then sulked that they had ruined 'his' fire.


Still we'll try again next year.

For those who are on the edges of their seat wondering what happened to the vegetarian dinner - it sent fine although the cat was unimpressed with the leftovers.

Dr Who and the home straight now...

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