Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

my baby's first camera

well first of all merry christmas to all blippers everywhere and i hope you are all enjoying yourselves

not much in the way of arty type shots today, but then i'm not known for that anyway. so instead we have my little angel and her first digital camera. we got her one of those fisher price ones that are supposed to be nearly unbreakable (lets hope so anyway.)
i must admit i did push the camera idea as i wanted to get her started on blip. i think at 3 years old she may just be the youngest blipper out there.
only problem is that there is no exif data on the camera so every posting will have to go through the screening process, so i can't pos a link to her first pic yet. for anyone interested though her main page title will be "pics from knee height" and her blog name is the unimaginative "Baby McDawg".

nothing else to say as even though i am in quite good shape i too have reached the top button of the trousers undone stage and am lying in my chair like jabba the hutt. mrs McD is no different and baby McD is sleeping off the all excitement.
have a good recovery day blippers

LATE EDIT: ok so baby mcdawg's page is up and running. to see blips youngest member (as far as i know) click HERE.

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