20,000 calories under the belt

I'm damn glad I went out for a nice walk up the hill this morning. Not only was it extremely quiet apart from a few people out for a jog (down the middle of the road, apparently for the novelty thereof) and extremely nice and clear/bright/frosty/misty/cool but it always helps to generate a little space beforehand when attempting to eat an amount to which I have become dis-accustomed. Luckily there were no minstrels or mini-eggses in the house for me to waste my preciouss stomach-space on and the plate (just the one course) was emptied. The only side-effect is that the subsequent food-derived energy is starting to hit and I'll have to go for another walk now to try and stop myself fidgeting. Hopefully it'll still be just as peaceful; the extra pre-food walk in the early afternoon saw a fair few other people out and about as well as Nicky and I but I've yet to hear any sort of siren today. For that reason at the very least it's a good day.

I do hope everyone had a nice time.

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